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Sharps disposal

Ensure your medical waste is managed effectively and respectfully.

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Sharps Needles, Syringes recycling and disposal

The correct disposal of this waste type is extremely important. Many people rely on needles, lancets or syringes to manage medical conditions and to maintain their own health or that of a family member. Injecting equipment is also often used by pet and livestock owners or vets. 

For health and safety reasons, sharps must never be placed in kerbside recycling, garbage or garden organics bins. It poses a serious, sometimes life-endangering risk to sorting staff.

Sharps must be secured in an Australian Standard sharps container that is puncture resistant. Contact your local council or pharmacy for authorised sharps collection points.

Wanless provides services for the disposal of medical waste and clinical waste from sharps, syringe disposal, pathology waste, pharmaceutical disposal, infectious medical and clinical waste, and photographic waste.

Find out more about Wanless Medical Waste solutions by contacting our team today. 

Medical Collections


Wanless provides sharps containers from 1.4lt, 3.5lt, 7.8lt & 20lt

For all sharps items including: Syringes & injection devices, blades and used sharps items from first aid kits.

Clinical Waste

For the collection and disposal of medical waste Wanless can provide your business with 20lt tubs or Wheelie bins ranging from 120lt, 240lt and 660lt,


Cytotoxic waste is all drug administrative equipment, all gowns and body fluids/waste requiring disposal from patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Wanless can provide 20lt pails or 120lt & 240lt wheelie bins for cytotoxic collections.

Safety First

All anatomical wastes which can be body parts, specimens and tissue must be collected and transported to an incinerator facility under EPA regulations. Wanless can provide 20lt pails or 120lt & 240lt wheelie bins for anatomical collections.


Wanless can provide businesses with bulk pharmaceutical collections for the destruction of packaged medicines under a controlled environment that’s fully certified, secure and witnessed if required or court ordered.

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We’re more than waste management

A staggering 9 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans each year, and land-based waste is the greatest polluter. This ocean debris affects about 700 marine species, some of which are now endangered.

To help turn the tide on plastic pollution, Wanless eco(logical) is investing in Australia’s oceans.

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Waste management doesn’t have to be a burden to your business.

Create real transformation with a Wanless refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle waste management plan

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