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Major Account Management

At Wanless we have decades-long industry experience assisting customers with their sustainability goals. Our team has worked across some of Australia’s largest companies, helping to deliver exceptional sustainability results.

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Our Management Style

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Project scope and auditing

The initiating process determines the nature and scope of the project. Through a detailed audit process and data review, our staff determines your current recycling performance, waste and recycling culture, as well as landfill diversion and new recycling opportunities. Wanless also assesses how waste is managed internally, often observing staff or cleaners. We also examine the adequacy of current collection processes, and pinpoint the potential costs savings that could be driven through the Wanless proposal.

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Detailed analysis

Through the audit we have bench marked current performance and understand gaps and opportunities for improvement. We provide a detailed report that highlights; the audit methodology, results and proposed opportunities for landfill diversion. Wanless makes recommendations around opportunities that reduce manual handling, increase safety onsite, that maximise recycling and any rebates and changes to equipment that drives better performance.

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Contract execution

The strategy is approved and a contract executed, providing intent for Wanless to coordinate people and resources to confirm at a site level what is required against the scope. In addition to integrating and performing the activities of the project in accordance with the project management plan, Wanless also –  through its integrated service partners – adequately estimates the work needed to effectively manage risk so the customer is always covered with service provisions in case of an emergency.

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Transition and engagement

The Wanless methodology consists of industry best practice assembled into a seamless, reliable, consistent and replicable set of processes. Wanless use the SEF site assessment form that includes the safety review and vehicle driver onsite inspection. Once reviewed the project moves to implementation and service delivery where equipment is deployed, supported locally by staff engagement across all locations to gain buy in.

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Monitoring performance

Effectively managing the account strategy never stops. Wanless ensures our business is focused on achieving strong and reliable service delivery as part of our continuous improvement process. Our account managers consider how Wanless, at different stages of the contract, can deliver improved environmental performance, and how we can effectively manage risk so that any potential problems can be identified in a timely manner and corrective action can be taken.

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Contract Support

Wanless provides to its National and Major customers centralised processes including; a dedicated Account manager aligned to your businesses Industry vertical in experience,  Customer service support centralized through our national contact centre via a dedicated email address and after hours support for emergencies. Wanless also ensures in our account plans that customers have access for escalation to senior management as part of the contract.

Benefits of Wanless National & Major Accounts

Benefit 1.

Experienced staff with more than 100 years collective experience with major & national accounts.

Benefit 2.

Single point of contact, ONE email, ONE phone number ONE monthly invoice & ONE monthly report. Simple and easy.

Benefit 3.

Wanless can offer to major & national customers a “Total Waste Management Solution” for solid waste, recycling and all your hazardous & liquid wastes.

Benefit 4.

Wanless account managers are trained to provide visual waste inspections, waste audits to improve your business environmental performance.

Benefit 5.

Wanless account managers can provide your business with a towards zero waste strategy, including staff engagement and education. We can supply waste signage, stickers and training to support a positive recycling culture.

Waste management doesn’t have to be a burden to your business.

Create real transformation with a Wanless refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle waste management plan

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