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Education & Engagement Services

Wanless makes recycling simple and fun through our customer education program as everyone plays a role with recycling in the workplace.

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As a company we are committed to the engagement of our customers and understand that an effective “away from home” recycling program is essential in meeting your companies sustainability goals and targets.

Our Account Managers are trained to deliver an effective education program that promotes a positive recycling culture, rewards good sustainability behaviours and improves participation rates with Wanless recycling services on our customers sites. By increasing your recycling results it can save your business money, making it good for business and the environment!

Our Management Style

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Our Account Managers work with your team to understand your company’s sustainability goals, what waste and recycling streams are being produced and how they may differ per location or business stream. We map the waste destination process and consider how it can be simplified, what is the right source separation processes and aligning the right collections model. Wanless staff also consider your current challenges around your companies recycling culture. Our staff can also provide a detailed cost analysis of current costs V’s Wanless proposed offer, detailing the savings by switching.

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To understand your businesses recycling culture and opportunities, Wanless Account Managers perform a visual waste assessment which details what you produce, any contamination and what’s further recoverable. If a more detailed assessment is required we can perform a physical audit where waste is manually sorted and weighed as a representation of a full days waste. This provides us with a benchmark of current environmental performance, any potential cost savings initiatives and forms the strategic plan to managing your waste and budgets.
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Wanless understands that waste can be hard to manage, a low involvement category in businesses and that language and culture barriers can exist. We provide a change management program engaging staff in a fun and interactive way that assists them to understand the role they play in the workplace with recycling and the impacts there disposal decisions have on there business. No matter what industry your in we can engage with staff across all levels of your organisation, retailers and tenants or within the production floor if required.

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Support & monitoring

Wanless Waste & Recycling services are colour coded to Australian standards with matching bin stickers so that our customers can easily identify with the right recycling services, promoting positive recycling choices. Our services can be supported with source separation bins, waste & recycling signage for bin stations and education materials including; tool box talks, presentations, information handouts to staff.Through our detailed customer reporting we can monitor progress of the program and identify key areas of your business that may need positive support an re-engagement, ensuring throughout the entire contract term effective results ultimately improving environmental performance.

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Solutions for Industry

Wanless has worked with customers across the for Retail, Cleaning, Facility management and manufacturing industries since 1958, with a proven track record with assisting customers with achieving significant recycling outcomes. Let our team observe your business over a period as a time motion study to determine your current practices and a solution for improved resource recovery. We can provide as part of your “Total Waste Management Solution” a dedicated waste recovery officer who’s sole responsibility is ensuring you maximise your recycling rates, managing collections and bin rotations, contamination and tenant engagement.

Benefits of an effective education program

Benefit 1.

Wanless team make learning; fun, interactive and engaging. We put the excitement back into recycling at work!

Benefit 2.

Wanless customers learn the impact their decisions make to a business with their recycling choices.

Benefit 3.

When positive behaviours become rewarded and you start to see a cultural shift and increased recycling rates.

Benefit 4.

Wanless bins and signage improves recycling for customers as staff engage with our colour coded system for positive recycling outcomes.

Benefit 5.

Wanless can provide workshops, tool box meetings or dock training…..ask our staff how we can impact your business and empower your staff to all become recycling champions.