Non-recyclable packaging 1

Non-recyclable packaging

Some packaging is unfortunately still unrecyclable.

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Non-recyclable packaging

Certain hard plastics aren’t recyclable. V (vinyl) or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is tough and weathers well, so it is commonly used for piping, siding, and similar applications. PVC is cheap, so it’s found in plenty of products and packaging. Because chlorine is part of PVC, its manufacture can result in the release of highly dangerous dioxins.

It is found in shampoo bottles, cooking oil bottles, blister packaging, wire jacketing, siding, windows and piping, among others, and cannot be recycled via the commingled or hard plastics bin. Wanless can help manage any non-recyclable packaging needs your business has.

Other packaging Services

Soft plastic recycling (ldpe)
Soft plastic recycling (LDPE)
Wanless assists businesses of all sizes to sort and recycle their soft flexible plastics with collections available.
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Recycling polystyrene into household items.
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Glass packaging
Glass packaging
Different types of glass have different melting temperatures, which means they can’t all be recycled.
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Non-recyclable packaging 2

We’re more than waste management

A staggering 9 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans each year, and land-based waste is the greatest polluter. This ocean debris affects about 700 marine species, some of which are now endangered.

To help turn the tide on plastic pollution, Wanless eco(logical) is investing in Australia’s oceans.

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Waste management doesn’t have to be a burden to your business.

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