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Glass recycling | what goes into your yellow bin, part ii

GLASS RECYCLING | What goes into your yellow bin, Part II

Let’s now shift our focus from plastics to the other half of the recycling equation: glass. You might think it’s as simple as tossing anything that shatters into your yellow bin for glass recycling, but that’s not quite right. For example, while wine and beer bottles are recyclable, items like light bulbs, broken mirrors, and window glass are not. The reason? Different types of glass melt at different temperatures, meaning not all glass can be processed at recycling facilities. Mixing incompatible glass types can result in costly issues for glass recycling.

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Recycling and your car

How recycling is sorted

By Jeff Seadon, Senior Lecturer, Auckland University of Technology, originally published in The Conversation Recycling in Australia used to be fairly simple. […]

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