Wanless Waste Management has submitted a development application for the Wanless Recycling Park at 304 Coopers Road & 350 Coopers Road in Ebenezer, approximately 12 km southwest of Ipswich CBD. It is proposed that Wanless Recycling Park will accept household; commercial and industrial; and demolition and construction waste. This integrated facility will focus on recovery and reuse and will work with partners who prioritise recycling. The facility will also include a landfill element to manage residual waste.
Development Application Progress
The development application (DA) for Wanless Recycling Park was submitted to Ipswich City Council in December 2019. A request for additional information has subsequently been issued by Council to Wanless in January 2020. A copy of the development application (application number 10674/2019) can be found through City of Ipswich Council PDOnline at pdonline.ipswich.qld.gov.au • If it is your first visit, accept the terms and conditions and continue to the next page. • Select ‘Application Enquiry’, then enter the application number 10674/2019 into the appropriate boxes on the first line and press ‘Search’. No other information is required.
What Happens Next?
Wanless and the project team will work with Council over the next several months to respond to the information request (IR). Once this response is submitted to Council, Wanless will commence public notification to give the community opportunity to make submissions. This will be prior to Council making a decision on the application. It is expected that the public notification period will not occur before May 2020, although assessment timelines can vary.
For more information on Wanless Recycling Park, download the full newsletter here.